Certificate verification

Complete the form below to check a certificate’s status

This verification form is for employers, schools, or government departments to use. If a teacher has submitted their World TESOL Academy certificate then you could check its authenticity here.

Your contact details:

Please enter your name and email address. This information will only be used so that we can contact you after verifying the certificate's status.

Certificate details:

Please enter the details from the certificate that you'd like to check.
(Found in the bottom right corner of your certificate.)
(The name of the teacher - printed in the middle of your certificate)
After submitting the form we will check the certificate’s details and notify you of the results within 1 working day. If you have questions about anything else then please contact a tutor through the live-chat button on the website or contact us.

Accreditation details:

At World TESOL Academy, our courses have dual accreditation – we’re accredited by ACCREDITAT and CPD, both from the UK.

ACCREDITAT is a leading international accreditation body with around 20 years of experience and a decade spent specializing in ESL accreditation. CPD (Continuing Professional Development) is an accreditation body established 25 years ago, and focuses on setting the highest possible standards for professional training certifications from thousands of the world’s largest organizations and educational institutions.

We’re also a registered learning provider in the UK (UKPRN: 10087431).

You can find more information here: https://www.worldtesolacademy.com/accreditation/